Greek Sea Buckthorn (Evros, Thrace)

Known as Hippophaes in Greece (pronounced "e-pof-i-es"), it means “bright horse”. This amazing native herb, a virtual superfood, earned its moniker in the days of Alexander the Great (circa 350 BC), from the reviving effects it had when he and his men would feed it to horses that were wounded in battle.
Origin: Evros, Thrace, Greece
Species: Hippophae rhamnoides
Sourcing: Hand grown in the Evros delta
Amount: 40g (1.4oz)
Servings: Approximately 25 ($0.44 per serving)
Organic: EU certified - DIO
ORAC 5.0 antioxidant value: 6,800 per 10oz serving
Polyphenols: 127mg per 10oz serving
Nutrients/phyto-nutrients: Omega 3,6,7 and 9, Ellagic acid, Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Quercetin, Riboflavin, Pyrdoxamine and Cyanocobalamin
Bioanalytical testing performed by Brunswick Labs
Naturally caffeine free
Tasting notes: Brews to a beautiful amber tone, with an earthy/savory flavor, perhaps a bit like a cross between traditional black tea and rooibos
Bring 10 oz of water to a boil, add about 1 tablespoon of leaves, let them swirl a bit, remove from heat, and allow to steep for 5-7 minutes. Strain into a cup and enjoy!
You can also use a tea ball or an infuser pot.